精美Riccardo Guasco创意插画作品
来自意大利插画家Riccardo Guasco的一组带有浓浓中国传统味道的插画作品,作者运用墨色来完成整个图片大全画面,犹如宣纸般做旧的喑黄,毛笔深浅干湿的对比,以及留白的运用,似乎能从图片搜索画面中听到叮咚的节奏。A group of Italian illustrator Riccardo Guasco with thick Chinese traditional flavor of illustration, the author use the ink to complete the whole picture, do old staple yellow like rice paper, brush wet contrast, depth, and the use of white space, it seems to hear the rhythm of the ding dong from the picture.